Wednesday, February 17, 2010


So, I'm glad I don't listen to Ferber. Last night, Connor was up more than usual. And "more than usual" for Connor means he was up practically all night. So, today I was watching him, trying to figure out what could have been keeping him awake all night, and I happened to notice that he was chewing on his fingers alot. So, I took a look in his mouth, and sure enough there is a HUGE piece of his gums just hanging off. I'm actually a little worried about looks terrible! I would have never noticed, since its in the back (he's getting his molars). I think I will call the pediatrican tomorrow to see if his gums should look like that or not! What if I had listened to Ferber, and let him cry all night instead of holding him and comforting him? I honestly believe that babies cry for a reason. You may never know why they are crying, but there is always a reason, even if he's just crying to be held. Thats my job. To comfort and hold him. I can't imagine not being able to say "hey give me some motrin! My gums are killing me!"

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