Alright- last night I moved my chair to the doorway of his room. In this stage of the shuffle, you just shh the baby, try not to pat unless really needed. The sleep lady suggests moving the chair halfway to the door first, but his room is to small.
7:20-asleep in crib after being laid down awake
10:55- I heard him moving around and watched him on the monitor, grab his bear and go back to sleep!!
3:05- awake. Shhed him, 15 minutes
5:25- awake. Shhed him, 5 minutes
5:45- awake, and never went back to sleep.....
6:00- up to nurse.
I wonder what the deal is with getting up so early? Like I've said before, his normal wake up tine is 7-7:30.
I'd say we are making progress!!!!
I promise to post pictures soon!! Our computer is still broken.