Yea! Last night was good!!
1:45-- he kept "crying out" in his sleep, so I did get up and check on him. He never fully woke up though.
5:25--awake. Cry, lay down with bear, cry, lay down. It was off and on til about 6:25, and I got him up to nurse. That whole hour I would go stand outside his door and shhh until he laid back down. I'd come back each tme he started crying.
6:25-- up to nurse.
Seriously-- why is he waking up so early? He has always slept til 7-7:30. I'm going to put him to bed 15 minutes later tonight and see if it helps. I also bumped his morning nap about 30 minutes later today. That's what the sleep lady suggests.
But--- he technically slept through the night!!!!!! Hopefully we can get this early rising under control.
Lose Fat, Gain Energy for 2016
9 years ago
That is awesome!! He probably could sleep longer because he was nursing a lot throughout the night right? He really may sleep later if he has a later bedtime...If he's waking up because he's hungry? Just a thought, he's not mine so I wouldn't know! I do see progress in that he's waking up less though!